Portada Skin on skin
Publishing date:24/05/2018


The renowned pediatrician and neonatal specialist Adolfo Gomez Papi, focuses in this book on the stage that begins with the pregnancy of the mother until the first months of life of the baby. The doctor, a supporter of attachment-based parenting and breastfeeding, teaches us how to deal with this important and life-changing stage in a natural and trauma-free way so that we can enjoy it to the fullest.

A book that covers such important topics as feeding the baby, crying, the figure of the father and the rest of the family, how to get the baby to sleep, the return to work, the nursery and the babysitter.

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Publishing date: 24/05/2018

ISBN: 978-84-9998-657-9

Pages: 192

Imprint: Ediciones Martínez Roca


The must-have book if you’re expecting a child.