Portada Stories For A New Reality

Stories For A New Reality

Publishing date:25/08/2020


Boys and girls have been through some complicated months: closed up at home, forced to be far away from their friends and loved ones… And the return to “new normality” is worrying them, too. This collection of stories is an important tool for working on their
emotions for the days ahead: returning to routines, developing new hygiene habits… But also emphasizing all the positive things from those months and not letting those things go: creativity, simplicity, being together as a family, solidarity with neighbors…An important book for facing the new reality thousands of boys and girls will encounter when they go back to a
classroom experience that is stranger and more difficult than they remember.


Highlights Stories For A New Reality

An important book for facing the new reality thousands of boys and girls will encounter when they go back to a classroom experience that is stranger and more difficult than they remember.

International Editions

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Publishing date: 25/08/2020

ISBN: 978-84-08-23250-6

Pages: 48

Imprint: Destino Infantil & Juvenil

Rights sold

Texto Editores - LeYa (Portugal).


Contains four stories with marvelous illustrations showing situations that
will help children express and manage their fears and look for the positive
side of the situation.

After every story, there is a page with reflections and advice so adults can
help their little ones better deal with the situation.