Portada Stories For Happy Families

Stories For Happy Families

Publishing date:19/05/2021


Perfect families do not exist, basically because no two families are alike. But all of them, in their own way, can become happy families. In Stories for Happy Families, Begoña Ibarrola presents twenty stories starring all kinds of animals that bring us closer to different types of families and show us the keys to achieve harmony among all its members: dialogue, freedom of expression, optimism, trust, cooperation, understanding…

This is a book that focuses on the happiness of the whole family unit, and seeks to reflect not only the traditional nuclear family, but also different types of families: single-parent, separated parents, adopted children, parents of the same gender...


Highlights Stories For Happy Families

A compilation of stories to manage emotions at home and achieve happiness in any kind of family.

International Editions

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Publishing date: 19/05/2021

ISBN: 978-84-08-24192-8

Pages: 176

Imprint: Destino Infantil & Juvenil

Rights sold

DeA Planeta (Italy), Adamantan (Poland). 


At the end of each story, a card is included so that parents can work with their children on the contents of the story.

It includes a cut-out page with a decalogue with all the points that all happy families should achieve.