Portada Stories To Save The Planet

Stories To Save The Planet

Publishing date:1/09/2020


People take care of what they love, and it is urgent that we love nature. This illustrated book uses six stories featuring nature, animals, and children to reveal the major environmental problems we are confronting, like global warming, deforestation, plastics in the ocean, and the extinction of many species. It transmits to children the importance of taking care of the environment and invites them to explore a more sustainable lifestyle. Because the future isn’t written, and children will be the ones who will have to do so. Each story is accompanied by several pages for information and reflection:

• A brief explanation of the environmental problem the story presents with graphics and illustrations.

• What can you do to help? Small gestures can produce big changes.

• Extremely up-to-date subject matter: media, networks famous people, politicians, and society in general. The climate crisis has never been so fashionable.


Highlights Stories To Save The Planet

In storybook language, this book transmits a series of values without trying to give lessons or moralize: respect for the environment, love for nature and the planet, teamwork, and a willingness to make things better.

International Editions

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Technical data

Publishing date: 1/09/2020

ISBN: 978-84-08-22682-6

Pages: 112

Imprint: Destino Infantil & Juvenil

Rights sold

Planet Zoe (Croatia), Akinomé (France), Lisciani (Italy), Czarna Owca (Poland). 


Children are increasingly conscious of the environmental problems our planet is afflicted with, and they want to know their role as citizens and key actors in the future of our ecosystem.

Book made with 100% recycled material

Extremely up-to-date subject matter: media, networks famous people, politicians, and society in general. The climate crisis has never been so fashionable.

Full-color illustrations in a nimble and moving style.