Portada Take Me Home
Portada Take Me Home

Take Me Home

Publishing date:3/02/2021


A great novel about family, the bonds that unite us and the wounds that divide us.

Juan has managed to leave the nest and move abroad when he finds himself forced to return to his hometown after his father dies. His intention is to resume his life in Edinburgh as soon as possible once the burial is done, but his sister breaks some news that compels him to change his plans. So, despite his best intentions, he finds himself back in the same place he wanted to flee, taking care of his mother, even though he barely knows her. In fact, the only thing he feels they have in common is the family’s old Renault 4.

Take Me Home is a painstaking study of the strains of middle age, when grown-up children become their parents’ carers, when sibling resentments flare up, and when those who as young adults flew the nest find themselves back in the family home, in painful new roles. The novel’s success lies in Jesús Carrasco’s ability to show the complexities of his characters’ feelings without holding up any one response as more natural or right.

International Editions

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Technical data

Publishing date: 3/02/2021

ISBN: 978-84-322-3773-7

Pages: 320

Imprint: Seix Barral

Rights sold

Akropolis (Czech Republic), Eichborn (Germany), Meulenhoff (Holland), Ponte Alle Grazie (Italy), Goga (Slovenia).

Option rights

Robert Laffont  (France), Cappelen Damm (Norway), Natur Kultur (Sweden), Heliks (Serbia), Uniscorp (Bulgaria), Tri Publishing Centre (Macedonia), Typotext (Hungary), Fabriikki Kustannus (Finland), Antipodes Publications (Greece), Takween Publishing (Arabic), Shanghai 99 (Simplified Chinese).


Take Me Home is a family novel that brilliantly describes the conflict between two generations: the parents who struggled to pass on their legacy, and their children, who need to move away in order to find their place in the world. In this emotional coming-of-age story, Jesús Carrasco once again creates formidable characters faced with vital decisions as life puts them up against the ropes.

A great novel about family, the bonds that unite us and the wounds that divide us.


Vídeos sobre Take Me Home

Jesús Carrasco talks about his novel Take Me Home

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Jesús Carrasco talks about his novel Take Me Home

Jesús Carrasco talks about his novel Take Me Home

Llévame a casa - Jesús Carrasco

Llévame a casa - Jesús Carrasco