Best Seller
Portada That's Not Sex
Publishing date:22/03/2023


In recent years, social educator Marina Marroquí has found that one of today’s great emergencies is beating porn in the battle for the sexual education of our young people who access videos and other pornographic content in a massive, free, and unfiltered way, and at increasingly earlier ages.

The consequences are alarming: normalisation of sexual violence, reduction of empathy, increase in risky practices, whitewashing of prostitution as cool. 

…And all of this is presented as a supposed sexual freedom. Marina explains in a light-hearted, close, and emphatic tone, the pitfalls of simply accepting porn’s narrative. She explores:

• How it is used to reinforce the roles of dominant and privileged men and submissive and underappreciated women.

• How it creates an image that normalises the culture of rape and educates ‘gangs’ that do not even believe that they are doing something wrong. 

• How it also affects boys, whose desire has been formed by watching porn and therefore don’t know how to deal with their first real experiences or don’t find excitement in real sex.

• How the image of prostitution is being sold as something positive, based on the supposed sexual freedom of the girls.

Through practical exercises, shared reflections, and close examples, this book aims to sow a seed of change that is absolutely urgent: to promote a new, healthy sexuality that is based on respect and that is truly free.

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Publishing date: 22/03/2023

ISBN: 978-84-08-26920-5

Pages: 224

Imprint: Crossbooks
