Portada The 100 Great Recipes of Spanish Cuisine

The 100 Great Recipes of Spanish Cuisine

  • Carlos Díaz Güell
Publishing date:8/09/2021


A select number of renowned Spanish gastronomes select the 100 most representative recipes of traditional Spanish cuisine.

The book, The 100 Great Recipes of Spanish Cuisine, also offers something extra special, since each dish chosen, each recipe that makes up the list, is accompanied by a free interpretation of the recipe, sometimes a very free and not necessarily analogous interpretation, prepared by renowned Spanish chefs, which makes this book not only a historicist and traditional compilation of Spanish gastronomy but also a reflection of the vitality and creativity of contemporary Spanish cuisine.


• An extraordinary compilation of the fundamental dishes of Spanish cuisine, and their reinterpretation at the hands of great chefs, in a book that seeks to become a reference work of Spanish gastronomy.

• Dishes as fundamental as the Cocido madrileño, the Fabada asturiana, the Gazpacho andaluz, the Paella valenciana, the Tortilla de patatas, the Ajoblanco, the Bacalao al pilpil, the Callos a la madrileña, the Empanada gallega, the Pulpo a feira, the Salmorejo, the Roast suckling pig, the Fritura andaluza, the Papas arrugás with mojo picón or the Pisto manchego, are the great protagonists of this work.


Highlights The 100 Great Recipes of Spanish Cuisine

An extraordinary compilation of the fundamental dishes of Spanish cuisine, and their reinterpretation at the hands of great chefs, in a book that seeks to become a reference work of Spanish gastronomy.

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 8/09/2021

ISBN: 978-84-08-24654-1

Pages: 384

Imprint: Planeta Gastro


Chefs such as Marcos Morán, Mario Sandoval, Quique Dacosta, Jesús Sánchez, José Andrés, Ricardo Sanz, Ángel León, Fina Puigdevall, Manolo de la Osa, Begoña Rodrigo, Ferran Adrià, Pedro Subijana, Joan Roca, Martín Berasategui, Oriol Castro, Albert Adrià, Carme Ruscalleda, Jordi Roca, Pepe Solla, Francis Paniego, Toño Pérez, Dani García, Eneko Atxa, Nacho Manzano, Mª José San Román, Abrahan García, Fran Vicente, Sacha Hormaechea, Juanjo López Paco Pérez, David Andrés, Juan Mari and Elena Arzak, Oscar Velasco, Dabiz Muñoz, Susi Díaz, Lucía Freitas or Rodrigo de la Calle, who enrich the work with their interpretation of the great classics of Spanish gastronomy.

The elaboration has been possible thanks to the collaboration of 60 renowned critics and gastronomes who have acted as jurors for the selection of the dishes, such as Xavier Agulló, Joxe Mari Aizega, Pau Arenós, Juan Manuel Bellver, Oscar Caballero, Víctor de la Serna, Marta Fdez. Guadaño, Salvador García-Arbós, Mª Jesús Gil de Antuñano, Fernando Huidobro, Paz Ivison, Mikel López Iturriaga, Lourdes López, Alberto Luchini, Jordi Luque, Carlos Maribona, Julia Pérez, Federico Oldenburg, Inés Ortega, Philippe Regol, Pepe Ribagorda, Rosa Rivas, Pilar Salas and Ana Vega.

Dishes as fundamental as the Cocido madrileño, the Fabada asturiana, the Gazpacho andaluz, the Paella valenciana, the Tortilla de patatas, the Ajoblanco, the Bacalao al pilpil, the Callos a la madrileña, the Empanada gallega, the Empanada gallega, the Empanada gallega, the Gazpacho andaluz, the Galician Empanada, the Pulpo a feira, the Salmorejo, the Roast suckling pig, the Fritura andaluza, the Papas arrugás with mojo picón or the Pisto manchego, are the great protagonists of this work.