Portada The art of living

The art of living

Publishing date:13/09/2018


Living seems easy, even sometimes simply inevitable. Although knowing how to live intensely, enjoying the good times, but also learning to embrace adversity, is every bit an art in itself.

This book contains and collects the words of great writers who, throughout history, have offered tools to master life. Aphorisms, from very different authors, sometimes ironic or caustic, that share having been born from honesty and which show us that many times a single sentence is capable of opening the door to a different perception, helping us to navigate through life.

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Publishing date: 13/09/2018

ISBN: 978-84-17371-31-9

Pages: 128

Imprint: Ediciones Luciérnaga


A small book of big words by writers who throughout history have taught the art of living.