Portada The Blind Spot

The Blind Spot

Publishing date:21/01/2020


A pitch-dark crime novel that shows the best and the worst of a society drowned in its successes and frustrations.

Milo Malart was facing two murders and a gruesome massacre of dogs in Barcelona. The body of a college student is found, strangled in a forest in Barcelona. When a second victim appears, the case takes on a whole new dimension. While a cold front hits the city, and the rain falls relentlessly, the acerbic inspector Milo Malart tries to untangle a series of crimes in the midst of a city that has been devastated by the havoc wreaked by the crisis, with unemployment and corruption as a backdrop.

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Publishing date: 21/01/2020

ISBN: 978-84-233-5668-3

Pages: 400

Imprint: Booket

Rights sold

Actes Sud (France), Crime Scene Press (Romania).

Audiovisual rights optioned.


“Aro Sainz de la Maza draws up a severe assessment of the Catalan “economic miracle”, denouncing a capitalist system close to collapse, undermined by inequality and center of a crime fueled by despair. It gives Barcelona a twilight, threatening appearance, a sort of Gotham City where a lonely cowboy, who is losing his mind more and more, struggles to do justice” Abel Mestre, Le Monde des Livres

“Milo Malart is back and is here to stay. Long live the inspector!” Propera parada cultura, Charo González Herrera

“The author draws beautifully, over the course of an excellent thriller, the complex and fascinating portrait of this quartered cop, escorted by characters with terrible cracks.” L’Alsace

“This is a great book, excellently written, powerful, with lifelike characters and a well drawn plot ... a fierce story about life and death, desire, violence, prostitution, wretched human beings and ultimately, life.” Novela más que negra y policíaca, José Sevilla