Portada The Book To Keep From Sleeping

The Book To Keep From Sleeping

  • Xavier Gimeno Ronda
  • Fernando Alcázar Zambrano
Publishing date:12/11/2019


A book that will awaken your deepest fears.

Lights that switch on and doors that open on their own. The feeling there’s someone else with you. Shadows that cross the hallway. Sudden cold in a certain part of the house... 

Here you will find all those horrifying sensations that have frozen everyone’s blood at some point in their lives, terrifying stories, advice for not dying from fear, and tips for seeing a ghost. You are about to start a book that will keep you from sleeping and will awaken your deepest fears.

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Publishing date: 12/11/2019

ISBN: 978-84-480-2630-1

Pages: 104

Imprint: Libros Cúpula
