Portada The Dream Of Time

The Dream Of Time

Publishing date:29/10/2020


An essay about the keys to aging and longevity.

The Dream of Time is rooted in the fact that, even if physics and philosophy teach us that time’s flows are a fantasy created by the human mind, time lives in us and we live in time.

In this book, we will reconstruct the long history of time from its origins to the present and will explore its impact on aging and longevity. In the first part, we will progress through a description of attempts to understand, order, measure, dominate, ignore, forget, and kill time, and conclude with a discussion of illnesses associated with the loss of the notion of time.

All this knowledge will open the door to the second part, which will begin with a historical analysis of the concept of aging and the definition of the molecular and cellular keys responsible for this complex biological process. Knowledge of these keys will offer us the opportunity to analyze the possibilities at present for controlling the apparently inexorable passage of time to modulate aging and extend longevity.

Finally, The Dream of Time will discuss whether human beings are moving toward some kind of physical immortality or whether we should abandon these improbable and presumptuous dreams of immortality and focus our priorities on other essential but still unresolved questions.

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Publishing date: 29/10/2020

ISBN: 978-84-493-3760-4

Pages: 320

Imprint: Ediciones Paidós
