Portada The Embriology of the Universe

The Embriology of the Universe

  • Dra. Pilar Muñoz-Calero
Publishing date:4/05/2022


Rooted in the world, connected to life

A call to connect with what really matters

Twenty years ago, Dr. Pilar Muñoz-Calero had her first and most acute crisis of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, a multi-organ condition related to exposure to chemicals. This work is born from that devastating autobiographical episode and narrates the metamorphosis that followed. An act of relearning that led her to discover what really matters, the spiritual side; the urgency of saving our planet that is a victim of hyperproduction at any price, and the excessive consumption we have of toxic products. A book full of serene wisdom that will make you rethink your priorities.


Highlights The Embriology of the Universe

An informative book that links nature-spirituality-biology and medicine to create a graspable and convincing message.

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 4/05/2022

ISBN: 978-84-19164-05-6

Pages: 464

Imprint: Ediciones Luciérnaga
