Portada The Fakir
Publishing date:16/09/2008


After flying to India in search of his spiritual essence and a new scale of values, Hernán embarks upon a journey through the country, experiencing its ancient mysteries and sharing in its sublime knowledge. He will never be the same again: his guide will teach him to shed the physical, mental and spiritual constrictions that had been weighing him down in his previous life.   

International Editions

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Publishing date: 16/09/2008

ISBN: 978-84-270-3469-3

Pages: 320

Imprint: Ediciones Martínez Roca

Rights sold

Portugal (Porto Editora).


Fakirs have mastered the art of walking the high-wire, an art that requires careful concentration and a perfect sense of balance, both skills that are also necessary for journeying down the path of life. 


Vídeos sobre The Fakir

El Faquir