Portada the Fast Road to Hell

the Fast Road to Hell

Publishing date:23/09/2014


Beatriz is a lawyer from La Coruña. Full of integrity, she loves her profession and works long hours. Time and multiple disappointments have not affected her unshakeable belief in justice. She is entrusted with defending a magnate accused of killing a petty criminal and his wife, and their teenage daughter has also disappeared. Very soon the attorney will find herself enmeshed in another case that reveals corruption at the very highest levels of the police force as well as ties with drug trafficking.


Highlights the Fast Road to Hell

A gripping plot with a fascinating protagonist.

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Technical data

Publishing date: 23/09/2014

ISBN: 978-84-670-4186-6

Pages: 304

Imprint: Espasa


“You get sent to Hell for little mistakes that keep adding up. First you bet your money or your freedom. If you lose, you risk whatever you have left; and if you go on making mistakes until you’ve lost everything, you risk your life.”