Portada The Garden

The Garden

  • Beatriz Martín Vidal
Publishing date:5/10/2022


A delightful volume about the power of the imagination 

Through the story of a girl who never has time for anything, this delicate book talks to us about the need for play and fantasies to make the imagination grow and develop that inner world we all possess. 

The author, Beatriz Martín Vidal, has won numerous prizes and was even selected for an exhibition by the New York Illustrators’ Society. 

Beatriz Martín Vidal shows technical mastery. Her creations reveal a captivating poetic vision, exquisite and enigmatic, with touches of tenderness and mystery and occasionally even melancholy and sorrow.

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Publishing date: 5/10/2022

ISBN: 978-84-08-26012-7

Pages: 40

Imprint: Destino Infantil & Juvenil
