Portada The Gods Love Too

The Gods Love Too

Publishing date:27/10/2015


This is the first novel by Celopan, one of the most famous names in the new universe of online communication that is YouTube. An original, relaxed, and breezy but well-constructed adventure featuring mystery, magic, love and humour and also, of course, many references to bloggers and gamers.  This story is aimed at his fans, who tend to be aged between 13 and twenty-something and they will find the setting very familiar because it is their own; the characters experience the same problems and aspirations and offer a positive, motivational message.  

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Publishing date: 27/10/2015

ISBN: 978-84-270-4215-5

Pages: 256

Imprint: Ediciones Martínez Roca


“A pair of soul-mates, two clashing worlds, one unconditional love.”

A shy girl with plenty to offer, a young God converted into a successful YouTuber...We invite you to immerse yourself in this story of love and friendship in which misunderstandings, surprises, discoveries and abandonments lead up to an extraordinary ending.


Vídeos sobre The Gods Love Too

Vídeo Celopan