Portada The Green Baby

The Green Baby

Publishing date:15/11/2016


“I wasn’t born a man or a woman. I was born a baby. I need time to work out who I am.” So begins the illustrated autobiography of Roberta Marrero: the true story of a girl who was born with a boy’s body and her path to self-discovery and affirmation of her own identity. We are brought inside the inner universe of this ‘alien’ character, the green baby, in a world that constantly denies the image she has of herself; her soul, personality and truest self. How can she survive in such a hostile environment? By never forgetting that “you must always be yourself, whatever the cost. That’s the highest expression of normality.” A real story spiced with the visual and graphic universe of a groundbreakingly original artist who has established an explosive place for herself on the Spanish scene.

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Publishing date: 15/11/2016

ISBN: 978-84-16489-93-0

Pages: 160

Imprint: Lunwerg Editores


The true story of a transexual artist from childhood to the present: a rebirth packed with humanity, courage, daring, pop culture and rock ‘n’ roll.