Portada The Heart of the Ocean

The Heart of the Ocean

Publishing date:23/01/2014


The Castilian crown’s conquest of the New World advances unabated. Charles 5th wants to Christianize the remote parts of the empire and, to this end, the Council of the Indies decides to send the first caravan of women in history to the Americas; eighty maidens are chosen from among the best noble families. Hoping to turn their fortunes around, the women embark to find a Christian marriage with a conquistador and start a lineage, but they will have to confront all manner of difficulties: pirate attacks, storms, the plague, and the problems that come with living in a world designed for men.


Highlights The Heart of the Ocean

A novel about the first women’s expedition to the New World in 1550.

International Editions

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 23/01/2014

ISBN: 978-84-8460-828-8

Pages: 608

Imprint: Editorial Planeta

Rights sold

Czarne (Poland).


Eighty noblewomen travel to the Indies to become wives to the conquerors. Hardship, pirates and even the plague will leave them undeterred.


Vídeos sobre The Heart of the Ocean

Preestreno de 'El corazón del océano' de Antena 3