Portada The Hotter the Better

The Hotter the Better

Publishing date:5/04/2023


From the hand of 50 international chefs, this book offers a selection of recipes in which spicy food is the protagonist: from the most classic recipes to the most current, but always delicious and irresistibly hot.

From drinks to desserts. Chili peppers have the ability to elevate any recipe to another level or, as the author says, to make us drink and eat in 3D.

Along with the tomato and the potato, chili peppers are one of South America’s great contributions to the world’s cuisines and indeed, many cuisines today would seem incomplete without them. There’s an easy explanation. After all, what other ingredient can provide such a unique perfume and flavor, or redden our cheeks and quicken our hearts?

A complete and surprising journey through the universe of hot peppers, in which the author, with a dose of humor, provides insight into their mysteries -why do they sting? are they an aphrodisiac? are they addictive?-, but above all reveals that not all chili peppers are the same, helps us to understand them so that we can use the one best suited for each recipe, and adapt them to the tastes of diners.

The book’s nearly 90 recipes are a collective tribute by fifty international cooks to these magical and versatile ingredients - amateurs and professionals, famous and anonymous: Albert Adriá (Spain), Narda Lepes (Argentina), Héctor Solís (Peru), Sacha Hormaechea (Spain), Santiago Lastra (Mexico), Diego Cabrera (Argentina), David García (Spain), Elena Reygadas (Mexico) y Micha Tsumura (Peru), among others.

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Publishing date: 5/04/2023

ISBN: 978-84-08-26763-8

Pages: 268

Imprint: Planeta Gastro
