Portada The Intimacy Of Travelers

The Intimacy Of Travelers

Publishing date:13/01/2021


How many loves are we ready to live?

After four months living in Berlin, Yago Santos receives the offer of a large sum of money to seduce Matilda, a woman he doesn’t know. The plan is to win her confidence, start a relationship with her, and after some time has passed, abandon her.

This is the beginning of a story in which the protagonists, Yago, John, and Matilda, have decided to change the course of their emotional relationships. From there, we will plunge into each of their private stories and their past in Yago’s Barcelona, John’s London, and Matilda’s Munich, from their sexual awakening and their first loves and disappointments to the episodes that marked their maturity and made them the people they are and, finally, to their meeting in Berlin.

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Publishing date: 13/01/2021

ISBN: 978-84-233-5859-5

Pages: 328

Imprint: Ediciones Destino


With a brilliant style and an unprecedented ability to acquaint readers with love in its different forms through the years, Josan Otero establishes himself as one of the authors best equipped to portray desire, longing, deception, and loss—to talk to us about love and its various faces.


Vídeos sobre The Intimacy Of Travelers

Josan Hatero talks about his book The Intimacy Of Travelers