Portada The Language of the Forest

The Language of the Forest

Publishing date:20/02/2018


This book aims to be the path you will take when you set foot inside a forest. This book wants to make a tree grow in the palm of your hand. This book wants to show you the breaths you take as you climb the hillside. The sound of treading over autumn leaves. This book is earth, root, bark, branch, leaf, and fruit. It is the knot in the trunk, the quiver in the branches. The dust-caked essence of a life lived among the rigors of dense nature. This book wants to clear away the fog that covers everything, and rise up in a corner of the landscape where the birds sing with the first light of day. This book is the seed of a life that flourishes in re-encounters and in the search for a map back to a childhood now hardened by glances and essences. This book wishes to represent the branches that rise up to the clear sky, where the generations meet again, and the world of the country with life in the city. This book aims to be investigation and reflection, route and shelter.

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Publishing date: 20/02/2018

ISBN: 978-84-670-5166-7

Pages: 360

Imprint: Espasa


A return to the roots in the middle of the modern world.