Portada The Mess You Leave Behind

The Mess You Leave Behind

Publishing date:22/03/2016


This prize-winning novel is an intense psychological thriller told in the voice of the protagonist, Raquel, a young, out of work literature teacher who accepts a position at a school in Novariz, which just happens to be her husband’s home town.

On her first day of work, the young woman discovers that Elvira, her predecessor, killed herself and at the end of classes she finds a note in her bag that reads: “And how long will it take you to kill yourself?”

Raquel is determined to find out who is behind the threat and will inevitably start to become obsessed with the teacher who came before her.

What happened to her?

Why was she so depressed when her students adored her?

Did she really commit suicide or did someone kill her?

Is the same pattern repeating itself?

And above all, why do some of the clues point to Raquel’s husband? 

International Editions

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Publishing date: 22/03/2016

ISBN: 978-84-670-4726-4

Pages: 408

Imprint: Espasa

Rights sold

Polish (Czarna Owca), Germany (Bastei Lübbe), Konyvmolykepzo Kiado Kft (Hungary), HLAB - Hachette Livre (France), Editura Univers (Romania), Fanucci (Italy).

Film rightsNetflix - El desorden que dejas

An examination of human weakness, guilt and the fragility of relationships, the lies we tell and the secrets we keep without considering the consequences.

Winner of the Premio Primavera de Novela 2016.

A novel that begins as the story of the stalking of a schoolteacher but soon becomes a perverse and exciting thriller.