Portada The Murmurs of the Dead

The Murmurs of the Dead

Publishing date:7/10/2014


Sebastián Madrigal is a young journalist writing for a little known Sunday newspaper. One of his articles, however, attracts a lot of attention: “The Necronomicon” about a book that no-one is sure is real, or whether it was just invented by H.P. Lovecraft. The book reportedly has a malign power that can bring the dead back to life, take one’s life away, or grant immortality.

A millionaire who has been seeking the Necronomicon for years believes that Sebastian is the ideal person to find it. The reporter accepts the challenge: does the Necronomicon exist? Who possesses it? What happens to the people who dare to read it? Intrigue, mystery, adventure and history mingle with bibliophiles, millionaires, journalists and hackers...


Highlights The Murmurs of the Dead

“A vibrant novel that obsessively teeters on the edge of the abyss” Juan Gómez-Jurado

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Publishing date: 7/10/2014

ISBN: 978-84-270-4137-0

Pages: 328

Imprint: Ediciones Martínez Roca


This story has all the elements needed to capture a large audience: a good plot, good characters, good scenes and a pace that grips the reader right from the beginning.

A bestseller on the Internet: more than 125,000 legal downloads across the world.

The novel has been translated into English and met with great success.


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