Portada The Music on the Wind

The Music on the Wind

Publishing date:13/01/2011


A journalist finds a message in a rug he bought in India written by the boy who weaved it. It is a plea for help, a desperate cry which he cannot ignore. Although millions of children are exploited in the world, this message bears a name, Iqbal, and a location: the city of Madurai. A visit to the shop where the rug was bought will present the protagonist with the truth that enslaved children are sold by their own parents. Iqbal died some time before, but slave children just like him remain. The protagonist will have to decide what a westerner can do in an unknown land where child slavery is permitted.

Titles in the series:
- The Class Where I Fell in Love With You
- The Music on the Wind
- The God's Gold
- Interior Zones
- The Hypotenuse Crime

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 13/01/2011

ISBN: 978-84-08-09908-6

Pages: 224

Imprint: Planetalector
