Portada The New Illustrated Kama-sutra

The New Illustrated Kama-sutra

Publishing date:13/01/2011


This book reveals all the secrets of the erotic arts: different erotic games, the erogenous zones, ways to increase sexual excitement, tricks to intensify pleasure during coitus, positions that increase sensitivity during orgasm, techniques to control ejaculation and maintain an erection for longer… The New, Illustrated Kama-Sutra combines traditional wisdom and the modern needs of safe sex. Sex should be seen as it really is: healthy, necessary and uninhibited.


Highlights The New Illustrated Kama-sutra

Profusely illustrated with explicit and enlightening images of the most sensual postures of the Kama Sutra.

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Publishing date: 13/01/2011

ISBN: 978-84-270-3656-7

Pages: 224

Imprint: Ediciones Martínez Roca


Alicia Gallotti is the author of longsellers such as the Kama-sutra para la mujer (15 reprints), Kama-sutra gay (7 reprints), or the Kama-sutra lésbico (7 reprints) El nuevo Kamasutra ilustrado (26 reprints), is undoubtedly the most known and read book of the author.