Portada The pearl of water

The pearl of water

Publishing date:26/04/2018


The tranquil life of Elisa Beltrán is threatened the day when a mysterious stranger enters the library of Oropesa del Mar where she works and leaves a book about Redbeard, the Barbary corsair who attacked the village’s coasts more than five centuries before.

A strange accident opens a breach in Elisa’s reality, plunging her into a world of pirates, adventures, intrigues, passion, and danger. She finds herself dragged off toward an abyss that threatens to swallow her. Can two realities be lived at once?

An exciting and moving novel that transgresses time and reason, in which a single pearl of water is enough to open the secrets hidden in the depths.

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Publishing date: 26/04/2018

ISBN: 978-84-270-4437-1

Pages: 560

Imprint: Ediciones Martínez Roca


Letras del Mediterráneo Prize. A masterpiece of adventure, romance, and mystery in which destiny alone will be able to save a woman’s life from her own inner whirlwind.

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