Portada The Red Notebook

The Red Notebook

Publishing date:20/02/2018


If you picked up this book thinking that thanks to it, you’re going to turn yourself into the best father in the world, you better think again. The fact is, when it comes to childrearing, no matter what the gurus say, there are no foolproof tricks or magic formulas.

But… don’t panic! Because you’ve got a lot to learn: what Braxton Hicks contractions are and the meaning of mansplaining; the best ways to take your child out; the WhatsApp groups you’ll be part of (don’t worry, you’ll mute most of them); all the different sharp objects that will become toys in the eyes – and mouth, an hands – of your little one; the keys to surviving a child’s birthday… These pages will even outline a group of creatures you should avoid at all costs, from the creepy mom, the opinion experts, the child-phobic, and the “cool dad.”

And the most important thing: The Red Notebook will teach you how to navigate the terrain of paternity without losing sight of the child you were, and how to do it with a smile. Because, when you have a bad day as a father, humor – and not any guru – is the only thing that can save you.

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Publishing date: 20/02/2018

ISBN: 978-84-16890-60-6

Pages: 184

Imprint: Lunwerg Editores


The 100 tips for fatherhood that every baby should come with.

An illustrated anti-guide for surviving fatherhood with lots of humor.