Portada The Rhythm of the World

The Rhythm of the World

  • Ayesha L. Rubio
Publishing date:16/06/2021


A hymn to living in and enjoying the present moment

“Listen. To your steady breathing, the calm beating of your heart, the tempo of nature. You are you and the world. Here. Listening to yourselves in silence. Swaying with its song.”

The rhythm of the world is a walk through the forest where the child hero experiences total attention in the act of walking, feels the movements of his body, notices the different colors, distinguishes the multiple sounds and scents of surrounding nature, aware of the thoughts and sensations all this provokes.

• The Rhythm of the World follows the principles of Henry David Thoreau’s Walden, where the poet preached a return to nature and full attention in the
experience of walking through the woods.

• A book that combines mindfulness for children with the importance of the appreciation of nature and living consciously in the here and now.


Highlights The Rhythm of the World

An up-to-date subject, because the pandemic has highlighted the importance of living consciously in the here and now.

A book that combines mindfulness for children with the importance of the appreciation of nature.

The Rhythm of the World follows the principles of Henry David Thoreau’s Walden, where the poet preached a return to nature and full attention in the experience of walking through the woods.

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Publishing date: 16/06/2021

ISBN: 978-84-08-24317-5

Pages: 40

Imprint: Destino Infantil & Juvenil

Rights sold

Marti (Turkey). 
