Portada The Rithm of the Night

The Rithm of the Night

  • Michelle Durán
Publishing date:8/02/2023


Intense, daring, ground-breaking. A gang war has never been so sensual

In the city of Operetta, there is an eternal war between two gangs: the kids from the rough part of town, and the kids from the most exclusive neighbourhood, East Wood. Mark belongs to the first group, led by Theo. He has never needed anyone’s love or attention until he meets Lee Parker, the son of one of the most respected families in the city. At the same time, Theo’s lapdog, Iván, runs into Alex Peterson, the leader of the rich kids from East Wood. And that’s when Mark and Iván begin to lose their minds over two people who would never, ever, have crossed their minds as the type of guy they’d want to kiss.


Highlights The Rithm of the Night

"Very addictive. I couldn’t stop reading.” ALICE KELLEN

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Publishing date: 8/02/2023

ISBN: 978-84-08-26782-9

Pages: 376

Imprint: Crossbooks


The Rhythm of the Night is led by a mostly gay cast, and there is a lot of sexual tension. Durán writes in a unique way and explores the theme of gender roles from a new perspective.LGTBQI+ Romeo and Juliet set to the frenetic rhythm of West Side Story.