Portada The Sea of Free Men

The Sea of Free Men

Publishing date:7/05/2013


Struggling to forget a past of lies and fleeing from himself, Cristophe Marchand crosses the seas as a soldier in Napoleon Bonaparte's army. Once the French imperial expeditions are over, Cristophe becomes a corsair, a shipwreck victim, a westerner adopted by natives and a husband to a young woman from the tribe.

Later, he returns to his village to work in the biscuit business he started out in when he was a child. But the eternal hatred of Alexandre Basset will not let up and Cristophe must face up to his past with the woman he never forgot and the rising of a hungry people seeking justice.


Highlights The Sea of Free Men

In Napoleon's France, a young man will become the voice of his people, and will rise up to defend the honour of a nation.

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Publishing date: 7/05/2013

ISBN: 978-84-08-11227-3

Pages: 608

Imprint: Editorial Planeta

Option rights

Albatros (Poland).


Real characters appear in the novel, such as Napoleon, Robespierre, etc. which lend colour and realism to an age full of great names.

Andrés Vidal once more hits the mark with his “trademark ingredients”: exhaustive documentation, passionate characters and plenty of action.

The world of pirates is fascinating; their lives were real-life adventure films.

An epic adventure novel that hops between genres: historical and adventure novels, told with a skilful, entertaining, and addictive text with all the hallmarks of a bestseller.


Vídeos sobre The Sea of Free Men

Booktrailer El mar de los hombres libres