Portada The Secret Garden Of Virginia Woolf

The Secret Garden Of Virginia Woolf

Publishing date:19/11/2020


A collective inheritance that finally receives deserved recognition in this moving, poetic book

An artistic and literary journey through the figures of the great women who were part of the life of Virginia Woolf: the people she supported, those who inspired her, those who influenced her work. These nonconformists, often tormented, live again through the illustrations of Lady Desidia (Vanessa Borell).

A choral biography that celebrates the modern and rebellious spirit of Virginia Woolf and her contemporaries: a group of avant-garde women who contributed decisive innovations to their respective artistic fields, but whose work is little recognized, even today.

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Publishing date: 19/11/2020

ISBN: 978-84-18260-25-4

Pages: 224

Imprint: Lunwerg Editores

Rights sold

Ten Points Publishing (Taiwan).
