Portada The Self-Esteem Boosting Book

The Self-Esteem Boosting Book

Publishing date:17/02/2015


Believe in yourself and reach your goals.

If we analyze most of the psychological problems that cause insecurity, stress and even depression, we will find that they are based on a lack of self-esteem. Having good self-esteem is not about believing that we are better than others or that we are more confident in defending our positions or interests, but it is based on believing that we have the necessary skills and resources to be able to successfully face the challenges that life presents us with.

This book proposes a simple and efficient method to improve our self-esteem, learn to be assertive and develop our full potential. With clear explanations, multiple tips and countless testimonials, the author shows how to live a fuller and more fulfilled life.


Highlights The Self-Esteem Boosting Book

The definitive guide to learn to believe in yourself and be able to achieve all the challenges you set yourself.

International Editions

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Publishing date: 17/02/2015

ISBN: 978-84-08-13667-5

Pages: 224

Imprint: Zenith

Rights sold

Znak (Poland).
