Portada The Sleeping Book

The Sleeping Book

  • Xavier Gimeno Ronda
  • Fernando Alcázar Zambrano
Publishing date:12/11/2019


The book for counting sheep until you fall asleep.

Your number of obligations is inversely proportional to the amount of hours you are capable of sleeping. Think about it: a baby sleeps like a baby because it doesn’t have anything to worry about. When we grow up, everything changes. Studies, work, toxic friendships, partners, lack of partners, children, the end of the month… the end of sleep. 

But not everything is lost. There are two universal techniques for getting sleep: reading and counting sheep. And this book has both of them.

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Publishing date: 12/11/2019

ISBN: 978-84-480-2629-5

Pages: 96

Imprint: Libros Cúpula
