Portada The Soft Side of the Mountain
Portada The Soft Side of the Mountain

The Soft Side of the Mountain

Publishing date:5/10/2022


Two characters separated by eight millennia embark on a journey of no return.

Somewhere in Central Europe, around 6,000 BC, during the transition to the Neolithic era, Dira, a female hunter, follows her innate curiosity and leaves her village in search of proof of what different legends tell: that mammoths are disappearing from the earth. She wants to see the last of these majestic creatures that can only be compared to moving mountains, even if it puts her life in danger.  

Mongolia, 21st century: Khünbish, a pariah destroyed by misfortune, learns of the traffic in mammoth tusks buried in the Siberian permafrost around the Arctic Circle and decides to seize this last chance to change his luck.  

A fascinating novel about man’s struggle against the forces of nature with echoes of Werner Herzog and Cormac McCarthy.

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Publishing date: 5/10/2022

ISBN: 978-84-322-4099-7

Pages: 352

Imprint: Seix Barral


Cormac McCarthy meets Dersu Uzala. A novel of adventure and history somewhere that blends Faulkner’s intricate plotting, Werner Herzog’s depictions of the struggle of man against nature, and the raw language of Cormac McCarthy. 

A novel that reflects on ecology, the exploitation of natural resources, and the extinction of species. 

A physical and spiritual quest across the borders between living and inert, between the eternally vanished and the things the earth returns to us after centuries underground.  


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