Portada The Spinner of Flanders

The Spinner of Flanders

Publishing date:2/07/2013


After the Royal Edict expelling the Jews from Spain, the Jewish community of Toledo is divided between choosing to convert and preserve their property and leaving everything behind to go into exile and start anew.  Ephraim and Ivri embody each option. While the former decides to stay and marry his daughter to a man who will ensure her social status, the latter decides to go to Flanders.

To prevent the family jewels from being confiscated, Ivri hides them in his house in the hopes of one day being able to go back for them. Years later, his granddaughter Katrina, who was raised by her grandfather after the death of her mother in childbirth, will become one of the best cloth spinners in Brussels. She is invited to the court of Margareth of Austria and has an affair with the young Charles the 5th who allows her to accompany him to Toledo when he is named King of Spain. Once in Toledo, she will struggle to make her way in a completely unfamiliar culture and recover the family jewels as she also finds true love.


Highlights The Spinner of Flanders

A family saga filled with intrigue, passion and secrets. 

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Publishing date: 2/07/2013

ISBN: 978-84-9998-279-3

Pages: 448

Imprint: Editorial Planeta


An author reminiscent of Julia Navarro and Toti Martínez de Lezea: a great adventure, meticulous research, an attractive approach to an extremely interesting historical period, the everyday lives of the characters seamlessly portrayed in the narrative and a mystery that will grip readers until the last page.

A mixture of romance, history and feminine genres that will delight readers.

Like all good historical novels, the central theme is a profession; the literary, evocative and now extinct occupation of cloth spinning. And the protagonist is a strong, determined woman.