Portada The Spy Who Fooled Hitler

The Spy Who Fooled Hitler

Publishing date:21/06/2016


After the Civil War, the intrepid JuanPujol–Garbo– and his wifeAraceliset up a false spy network based in Lisbon with which they fool the Nazi leaders. 

From Great Britain they convince the Third Reich that they control a network of over twenty spies, confusing the German secret services with fake reports. Their master stroke will be to convince them that the Allied landing is to take place in Calais rather than Normandy.

A thrilling tale of espionage that changed the fate of 20th Century Europe.    


Highlights The Spy Who Fooled Hitler

An accurate historical account and a unique and exciting espionage novel. A game full of mirrors
secrets, tricks and lies, but also of the truth of a man who with his initiative and ingenuity changed the course of history.

Qué Leer

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 21/06/2016

ISBN: 978-84-670-4727-1

Pages: 376

Imprint: Espasa

Film rightsNostromo - El espía que engañó a Hitler

The real story of double agents who fooled Hitler and changed the course of European history.  

A real story that  surpasses fiction.