Portada The Truth About The Pandemic
Portada The Truth About The Pandemic

The Truth About The Pandemic

Publishing date:14/07/2020


Who it was and why. 

On December 31 2019, China informed the World Health Organization of the appearance of several cases of pneumonia of unknown origin in Wuhan in the Hubei Province. On January 23, Hubei was closed. On January 31, the WHO declared a global health emergency. After the largest health organization in the world declared the pandemic, and the journalists and politicians—or most of them—accepted this verdict without discussion, many unanswered and urgent questions remain: why was there so much insistence that we had to shut down the world and confine ourselves to our homes? What was the real origin of the virus? Did China tell the truth? Was it an attack from the United States? For Cristina Martín, who has studied the geopolitical-economic world for a long time, the context of the Covid-19 crisis was clear: it was war, because geopolitical events don’t occur in isolation. They are all interconnected, and they take place in concrete circumstances with economic interest and very specific power lobbies. In this unsettling book, these and other mysteries will be answered clearly and bluntly.


Highlights The Truth About The Pandemic

In this unsettling book, many mysteries are answered clearly and bluntly.

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 14/07/2020

ISBN: 978-84-270-4772-3

Pages: 384

Imprint: Ediciones Martínez Roca
