Portada The Unusual Journey of a Raindrop

The Unusual Journey of a Raindrop

Publishing date:22/01/2015


Atena writes her own songs since she was a child, but she does not dare to show them until one day, when her friends encourage her to compete in a show for young talents. To her surprise, the first video she makes becomes a viral phenomenon and her music career takes off .
But things won’t be so easy for Atena: she will have to leave L. behind, the new kid in school of whom she has fallen in love with, her friends, her family... and Noria, the village where she has always lived. 
Is it worth forgetting about your world to get your dream?

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Publishing date: 22/01/2015

ISBN: 978-84-08-13555-5

Pages: 304

Imprint: Destino Infantil & Juvenil



Vídeos sobre The Unusual Journey of a Raindrop

Booktrailer El insólito viaje de una gota de lluvia