Portada The Wind doesn't Wait

The Wind doesn't Wait

Publishing date:20/11/2018


A sleepy girl with her whole life ahead of her, a pregnant woman, a voiceless vagabond, a widow who falls in love again, a waitress who has never done it before, a mother adrift and a famous actress and her false love story. They will all be joined by the embrace of the strange wind of Tarifa and the magical corners of the town’s streets, in a blend of encounters, misunderstandings, hidden secrets and passions that come to light. A story about life’s best moments that, like the wind, sometimes seem to disappear but always come back.


Highlights The Wind doesn't Wait

A surprising and magical story, of emotional intrigue, with fascinating characters who are interwoven throughout the plot until they fit together in an impeccable way.

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 20/11/2018

ISBN: 978-84-08-19334-0

Pages: 416

Imprint: Editorial Planeta
