Portada The Women's Journey

The Women's Journey

Publishing date:5/02/2019


Ancestral female voices you need in your life.

The author has sought out the secrets kept by women recognized for their wisdom in matrilineal zones: advice to live longer, feel better, and get empowered. Her journey led her to the homes of women recognized for their powers and their joy, who were—who are— guides for their peoples: kumaris in Nepal, widows in India, country women in Turkey, indigenous leaders in Colombia, heirs of ancestral wisdom in the Iberian peninsula, matriarchs in Egypt, weavers of spirit threads, Indian shamans in the United States.

At the end of her journey, she met the ancient heiresses of thousand-year-old women’s wisdom that continues to exist in towns and countries to remind women— and, more and more, men—where their own power draws its sustenance from and how to get it back; how to become gold while aging and to awaken a global feminism among all to confront the great challenges currently facing humanity. They say that awakening feminism is a journey from the head to the heart and that is the backdrop of this tale.


Highlights The Women's Journey

The secrets of the great women who were extraordinary guides and leaders, heiresses to thousand-year-old women’s wisdom.

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Publishing date: 5/02/2019

ISBN: 978-84-17371-59-3

Pages: 336

Imprint: Ediciones Luciérnaga


"To be able to change, every women must realize where she is, know her own body and its cycles, discover her emotions and value herself, and say here I am to be able to recognize the femenine legacy and grab onto the power she deserves." Elena García Quevedo