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Portada The World at a Crossroads
Portada The World at a Crossroads

The World at a Crossroads

Publishing date:23/11/2022


Human geopolitics in a new era

A work that analyzes the current global situation in order to propose solutions to the complex problems we face.

The formulas and systems of the twentieth century, and especially those of previous eras, are often no longer valid. We have fully entered the digital era, a true industrial, economic, and social revolution whose effects we are just beginning to glimpse. A world saturated with robots, governed by artificial intelligence, with quantum computers and miraculous advances in biotechnology and neuroscience, where even the most everyday objects will be connected to the internet of things, where a new space race will be the norm. A scenario with different jobs, but, not enough of them for the entire working population. With problems as serious as the aging population and unbridled urban concentration, with many living in loneliness. Along with massive migratory movements. And to top it off, apparently unstoppable global warming. Plus economic and political polarization. In the meantime, the struggle between the major powers to control the new world, the society of the future, and scarce strategic resources is more intense than ever. We must therefore seek imaginative new mechanisms to satisfy the needs and aspirations of the vast majority of the population.

This new work not only describes in detail the world’s exceptional present circumstances and those we are likely to confront and suffer from in the immediate future; it goes much further and proposes practical solutions, and this makes it a must-have manual. Solutions that work for all people, for all countries. Nothing can be done alone in this hyperconnected world. And these solutions must be can be applied quickly and flexibly.

This is the enormous challenge of this book. Time is tight, there are countless problems, and uncertainty is at its peak.

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 23/11/2022

ISBN: 978-84-344-3583-4

Pages: 608

Imprint: Editorial Ariel
