Portada The Zulu Empire

The Zulu Empire

Publishing date:10/11/2020


The bloody end of a nation of African warriors.

The Zulus are the most famous warriors of all in Africa. Their fame, after the creation of their empire by the mythical King Shaka, also known as the Black Napoleon, and their later conflict with Victorian England, vouchsafed them everlasting glory. In The Zulu Empire Carlos Roca makes a detailed review of the war episode that confronted the Zulus with the Red Helmets of Queen Victoria in 1879, which brought bitter defeats to the British and meant the end of an empire for the Zulu nation.

Today, nearly one hundred and fifty years later, the nineteenth-century Zulus continue to fascinate thousands of readers. Perhaps because it is still hard to accept that a people with primitive technology was capable of creating and maintaining an empire that would survive for decades in the struggle against racist expansionism and British colonialism.

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Publishing date: 10/11/2020

ISBN: 978-84-9942-897-0

Pages: 536

Imprint: Ediciones Península
