Portada They Come at Night

They Come at Night

  • Júlia Carreras Tort
Publishing date:18/05/2022


A study on witches and the occult

Discover the best-kept secrets of witches

Witches have inhabited the shadows of the night long before we decided to persecute them. Indeed, they have used a range of different masks to manifest themselves to humanity. One mask remains, however, the one that embodies our deepest, most primitive fears, and which, at the same time, attracts us.  In rediscovering their primordial and ancient origin, we find that witches represent nocturnal entities that in their Otherness are opposed to all that we hold to be certain or logical. By removing their masks, by searching through the shadows of history and the forgotten confines of our world, perhaps we can rediscover hidden and ignored parts of ourselves.

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Publishing date: 18/05/2022

ISBN: 978-84-19164-06-3

Pages: 208

Imprint: Ediciones Luciérnaga
