Portada Trip to the Abyss

Trip to the Abyss

Publishing date:17/11/2015


Jules and his friends are happy because progress and knowledge seem to finally arrive in Nantes: an important scientific meeting is going to take place there and the train will link the city with Paris. But the powerful criminal organization cannot tolerate it. Not even now that you need scientists who know the minerals inside the Earth well. It will be there, in the depths, where Jules, Marie, Huan and Caroline, the Adventurers of the 21st Century, will discover the devilish plan hatched by the organization and will live a new adventure "for a more imaginative, supportive, just and fun future for all" .

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Publishing date: 17/11/2015

ISBN: 978-84-08-14745-9

Pages: 224

Imprint: Destino Infantil & Juvenil

Rights sold

Pocket Jeunesse (France), Minoas (Greece), Planeta Manuscrito (Portugal).


Join Jules Verne and his friends on the exciting adventure that inspired him to write "Journey to the Center of the Earth"!