Portada Until the Sky Turns Off

Until the Sky Turns Off

Publishing date:18/01/2023


An emotional, tender romance with a hint of drama that touches the heart

Daniela only has two years left to live due to a serious illness. But it is a time she plans to make the most of with her friend Cat, who always encourages her to do crazy things. On one of these adventures with Cat, Daniela bumps into Yon Malcom, the most famous actor of the moment with whom she is hopelessly in
love… and with whom she will make the most out of the remaining days of her life.

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Publishing date: 18/01/2023

ISBN: 978-84-08-26677-8

Pages: 304

Imprint: Crossbooks


With a light, lively tone, Daniela narrates her experiences with a personal, sensitive voice, full of both humour and self-criticism. The tragic sweetness
of John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars and Jenny Downham’s Before I Die.

A story that is difficult to forget. First love, true friendship, family … every detail of this book embraces the reader and reminds them of the importance of finding happiness in the small things.