Portada Visual Thinking Works

Visual Thinking Works

Publishing date:12/05/2021


How to achieve what you propose with drawings.

The starting point of the book you hold in your hands can be formulated through a question: “What would happen if we were able to work visually in every aspect of an organization?” Visual Thinkers are convinced of the power of visuals in the professional environment, especially for teamwork. We know that if we worked visually we would see a true revolution in our organizations. The magnitude of the transformation would be comparable to what Steve Jobs imagined that fall of 1979. The joy you experience when you are certain everyone is aligned thanks to an image so powerful you find it hard to believe a different way of working is possible.

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 12/05/2021

ISBN: 978-84-18260-69-8

Pages: 160

Imprint: Lunwerg Editores


Thanks to the conviction of a few pioneers, visualization has entered some settings, albeit still in a minority way, first in the technology field and then in the startup ecosystem. But we know it will spread and there will be no stopping it.