Portada #VMethod
Publishing date:3/04/2014


Most of the methods for achieving success rely upon motivating yourself with positive thoughts. Victor Valdés’ method (known as the ‘VVMethod’) suggests just the opposite: imagining oneself in the worst situations and accepting the possibility of failure from the outset. That way, you can learn to play without pressure and give the best of yourself. Valdés has been developing his distinctive philosophy since he was eight years old when his father and brother made him play in goal. It didn’t stop him becoming an elite footballer, one of the best in the history of the sport. Because the VVMethod works!

International Editions

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 3/04/2014

ISBN: 978-84-15678-77-9

Pages: 144

Imprint: Alienta Editorial

Rights sold

DeCoubertin Books (UK), Mondadori (Italy), Corea and Poland.


Victor Valdés is considered by FIFA to be one of the best goalkeepers in the world. He has thousands of fans and over 3 million followers on Twitter and 4 million on Facebook.

How to manage everyday pressure to get to the top.


Vídeos sobre #VMethod

Booktrailer: #MétodoV - Víctor Valdés Arribas