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Portada Voyagers in A Sea of Clouds

Voyagers in A Sea of Clouds

Publishing date:7/04/2021


Lyra was proud of Mercuria, her hometown, the flower of the desert. She self-confidently patrolled its streets as part of the mercenary guild, responsible for preserving the peace. One night she is ordered to investigate the murder of a notorious criminal in the underworld. Everything indicates that a pyromancer of great power is on the loose and seeks to sow chaos. How could Lyra imagine that the investigations would put her on the trail of a plot in the upper echelons of the continent to plunge Mercuria into anarchy? Willing to do anything to protect her home, she embarks on the Cormorant, a legendary airship, and travels to the heights of the Sea of Clouds. Alongside her is an international crew of special agents determined to unmask the conspiracy. The key is to unravel the secrets of Kohr Nai, a volcano in the sky capable of generating furious storms, before tensions between the different citystates cause a cataclysm on a continental scale. Although the Akamenian civilization sacrificed itself for them, they have not been able to eradicate evil on Earth. Will Lyra and Niall now be able to put an end to the Tegri threat and discover love?

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Publishing date: 7/04/2021

ISBN: 978-84-270-4850-8

Pages: 632

Imprint: Ediciones Martínez Roca
