Portada We are Off Men

We are Off Men

  • Las Rayadas
Publishing date:26/05/2015


A long series of stories featuring a pair of deeply contrasting twins: on the one hand there is the ‘the successful girl’, who gets every guy she wants and for whom everything goes right, and on the other the ‘golden spinster’ who’s more sarcastic and not so lucky. 

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Publishing date: 26/05/2015

ISBN: 978-84-16177-38-7

Pages: 160

Imprint: Lunwerg Editores


A story full of humour and irony but also feelings, positive values, friendship and situations that every reader will be able to empathize with. 


Las Rayadas have more than 45,000 followers on Instagram and over 40,000 on Facebook. 


Vídeos sobre We are Off Men

"A dieta de tíos", de Las Rayadas