Portada We Wanted it All

We Wanted it All

Publishing date:15/01/2015


Beatriz, Purchasing Director at a lingerie multinational, receives an irresistibly promising professional offer. If she weren’t married with two kids, she’d have answered immediately but the promotion involves going to Hong Kong. Beatriz lives an exhausting life, torn between the job she enjoys and spending time with the family she wants. Given that her husband, the owner of a chain of dental clinics he inherited from his father, wouldn’t go with her to Hong Kong, Beatriz starts to do research into how best to reconcile her personal and working life to help her make a decision. Should she choose plan A or B? But there’s a plan C too!

Sonsoles Ónega has written a committed, daring, compassionate and inspiring novel that asks an important question: have we been swindled?     


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Publishing date: 15/01/2015

ISBN: 978-84-08-13562-3

Pages: 288

Imprint: Editorial Planeta


This novel is a passionate call to arms for women, the Yes, we can, of women’s literature.

It is aimed at women who are feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to be perfect wives, mothers and citizens while also being subjected to the worst judgements of all: their own.

It is a very fresh, contemporary and straightforward novel that revisits feminism and macho culture. We are in a new era and the author shows that in this novel. 

It is a very powerful novel. It has the same strength as Bridget Jones in her time, but updated for new times and the new woman.


A novel about the great swindle of working women

A daring, inspiring, compassionate and fun story about the great swindle of the 21st Century: the working woman.